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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Adopting in Technology

First and foremost, I am chistelle(my codename), a 3rd year, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology student.
Since I am young, I really wanted to take this course, actually, its BSComSci that time. I really wanted to indulge and be "in" in technology.. I think it's my passion..
Well, now that I am already experiencing this time of my life where I have to sit in front of the computer at least 8 hours a day just to make programs and websites, I'm getting tired of it... Why? Because thinking logical codes that sometimes redundant are really tiring... But somehow, it’s really enjoyable seeing what you’re doing so hard becomes complete.. I think that’s the very satisfying times among all programmers("aside for being paid @ high price"), to see his hard work, be use and run...Well that’s why I can't leave my work undone..haha..
Adopting with technology at this moment is very hard because it doesn't stop on its evolution. yes, indeed technology is vast changing, every blink of an eye and every second in an hour... But does your hardships really been paid off? My answer? Of course!.. We are now depending in technology whether we like it or not... Every piece of appliance in your household has its own technology behind it...
Now, can you decide?

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